Singing session – Tutty’s, September 23 – led by Kevin Conneff and Paddy Berry

(CJ keeps the crowds at bay from the front of Tutty’s. Now, there’s a man if ever there was possessing the appropriate level of respect for the skills and needs of singers. He kept his own name off the list, unfortunately.)

Singing is a very difficult subject to photograph: in pictures, singing might just as well be ranting or yelling or burping – you can’t really tell. What I’ve learned about photographing singing is that the most revealing shots of the singer come from capturing the expressions of the audience listening.

The already infamous (& no doubt banned from RTE!) Amsterdam ballad being sung, and even with some self-censoring there was plenty to make one blush in it … but even more to make everyone laugh and admire the cleverness of the tale and of its telling in sung verse. (It was followed by an homage to that deep and cherished classic ‘Copacabana’ – “At Tamangos, on the Northside … don’t fall in love”!)

(I learned this weekend not to stick your camera through open windows without having first taken off the lens cap: this last picture in this sequence shows the reaction of the audience as living legend, Mr Kevin Conneff, evoked Mr Bean at one point in my fumblings through the window.)

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